
We want homework to be useful and purposeful. Therefore, our homework approach is informed by research from the Education Endowment Fund (2017). This research found that…

  1. Short-focused tasks or activities which relate directly to what is being taught, and which are built upon in school, are more likely to be more effective than regular daily homework. 
  2. Where parents are engaged in homework, children are more likely to develop effective learning habits. 

As a result, the purpose of the homework set at Headley Park is to…

  • Provide an opportunity for parents and carers to be involved in the academic development of their child.
  • Consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding to develop fluency.
  • Provide opportunities for the sharing of skills and learning at home.

First, we encourage children, parents and carers to regularly practise three key areas to build fluency.


We recognise that reading is the key to unlocking the wider curriculum and we prioritise reading. From Reception, children will be sent home with two reading books once a week. One will be their phonically decodable/levelled book. This book will have been introduced to the children in school and will allow them to practise the skills and knowledge they have encountered in school. One will be a free choice book from the book corner or library. Children may also bring home key words. Parents and carers are able to attend school lessons and a number of reading and phonics workshops to support them with reading at home. Reading should be completed as regularly as possible.


Spelling lists are sent home weekly. These are words children have already encountered in school and provide an opportunity to consolidate their learning.


Times tables are vital for fluency in maths. We ask children to practise multiplication and division facts at home. To support this, we provide children with a Times Table Rock Stars log in where teachers set regular challenges and competitions.

Second, we encourage children to take ownership of their own learning and share it with those at home. 

Termly cross-curricular project 

Teachers set cross curricular learning projects three times per year (one in the autumn, spring and summer term). Children and parents/carers are provided with a number of options and can select at least one. The projects are linked to their curriculum topics and are open ended. Examples of projects could include:

  • creating a model of a Viking longship
  • making a product that celebrates a country in Europe
  • creating a presentation of the layers of the rainforest

These challenges are designed to be open-ended, to encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning and to collaborate with others in and outside school to produce a piece of work to share in a class gallery or feedback session.  They are also, hopefully, fun to complete and something which the whole family can be involved in. 

We recognise that some parents and carers may seek additional support with home learning. Where this is the case, we work in partnership to support the family.