Breakfast and After School Club

Breakfast Club

At Headley Park we are proud to offer parents the opportunity for their children to attend the Breakfast Club which is open from 8am until the start of the school day. Breakfast is served up to 8:20. 

In addition to a breakfast children get the chance for indoor games/ dancing and if the weather is good the chance to play on the sports court or school field.

Medical experts and educationalists have long held the view that eating a healthy breakfast is essential for children’s performance at school, staying healthy and maintaining a healthy body weight. Breakfast provides the ideal opportunity for children to take in plenty of the essential nutrients that the body needs each day by eating bread, other cereals, fruits and vegetables, which are all important elements of a healthy and balanced diet.

Our Breakfast Club supervisors work to ensure that the food options available to the children can provide essential nutrient requirements, many of which, if missed at breakfast, are unlikely to be compensated for at other meals throughout the day.

Menu (served up to 08:20)


Toast & Spread/Jam

Beans on Toast

Apple, Orange Juice or Milk

Fresh Fruit


There are also specials for events like Halloween, Summer picnics, Christmas and Pancake making.

We are very aware that in the busy world we live in many parent/carers find breakfast a difficult time and children may not be ready to eat before leaving home. We also want to support those parents who are entitled to pupil premium and may find the cost of providing breakfast difficult.


Breakfast Club now operates a booking system via parentpay.  Please book via parentpay by 3pm on Thursday the week before you would like to attend.  Bookings are only confirmed by booked and paid for in advance.


Attendance at Breakfast Club costs £3.50 per day payable through your parentpay account.

If your child has been eligible for a free school meal at any time over the past 6 years the school will receive Pupil Premium funding and you may not need to pay for breakfast club. If you feel that you may be entitled for a free school meal there is a simple online application system which will check their eligibility using this link.


After School Club

Contact Us

If you would like to get in contact regarding afterschool club please email

What we do

Headley Park After School is run only for children at Headley Park School.

The club is a happy, secure and stimulating place that leaves you without the day-to-day problems of after school. Your child/ren will also meet children throughout the school as it is a mixed age group club.

During term time

We offer a drink and wrap/toast/fruit, but if you decide that a little more is needed then you can provide a snack or packed meal.

Supervised activities include:

  • Arts and crafts
  • Reading
  • Organised games (indoor and out)


The cost per child is £5.00 per day after school. We would encourage you to have someone who can step in to pick up your child if you are likely to be delayed beyond 5.45pm (Monday to Thursday and 4.30pm Friday), if late there is a £20 initial fine plus of £1 for every minute beyond this time.


Please book through


If you need to cancel an afterschool session, we will need one weeks notice, otherwise you will still be charged the full rate. 


If your child is sick and will not be attending after school club, please inform us before the end of the school day. You may still be charged for that day.

If you have provided evidence that your child has COVID-19 and is unable to attend you will be reimbursed for those sessions not attended during the isolation period.

Who runs the after school club?

Paid employees of Headley Park School run the after school club on a day-to-day basis. The team provide a happy, stimulating and caring environment for your children.

Senior Play Leaders  - Katrina Long

Play worker – Laura Foley

Pupil Premium

Please check your eligibility for pupil premium via the online application because we may be able to help with the cost.